I’ve had a lot of adventures lately. But I can’t force my lazy he-human to type my experiences and publish them on the Internet. My humans are busy, because they have their human puppies at the babahotel.
I have to explain to my foreign friends what a babahotel is. That is, when the grandchildren come to the grandmother to take a break from their hard duties, and my humans are their maids, butlers, cooks, entertainers, and purchasing managers.
My he-human explained to me that something like tiny animals proliferated at school, so the children can’t go there. I don’t know why this is such a problem. We dogs, if we have fleas, they will drop something on our necks and that’s it. But I’m really glad they closed the school instead of dripping something on their necks. Because they could come to us and I have a really big pack.
And now let me tell you something you won’t want to believe: they wanted to feed me beetles! My he-human ordered insect granules from a famous dog food manufacturer. He said that it is very ecological, because it is not entirely right if other animals to die for our pets. Beetles are also animals, but because they are small, you can to turn a blind eye to it.
Even as he carried the bowl, I sensed a snag. He looked as if she-human is about to unwrap his Christmas present. However, I show myself clearly and concisely: not by any chance! Am I a spider to eat insects? I licked the pate, didn’t even touch the pellets, and then pushed the bowl noisily across the dining room to express what I thought of his experiments.
Luckily we have a she-human. The she-humans, unlike somebody(!), have common sense and I do not understand what the he-humans would do without them. I heard her tell he-human she would never understand what was still fooling around with those granules. And that if he bought shares instead of granules that I would never eat anyway, then we are already millionaires.