End of holiday season

I love summer. And the holidays. Our house is open, we live outside. Our humans usually have their human puppies here. And we also travel. I get to know new places, new smells. Or we just are lying out with Dino in the sun on the doorstep.

But now there is less sunshine. My he-human explained to me that the holidays were over and the summer was ending as well. Fortunately, we dogs, unlike humans, do not understand time. We don’t know what it is when something ends. We like summer as well as life. And we think both will continue forever. So we enjoy both. As long as we have both of them.

I didn’t enjoy much sun or life in the puppy mill. So I’m trying to make up for it now. If I were human, I would pour myself Spanish red wine, open Greek olives, and wonder how beautiful life is. And I would look at photos from our holidays in Olomouc, for example.


Did you notice that our he-human is exhibiting more photos of Dino than mine? On the one hand, I consider this to be very unfair. And most importantly, it’s not wise at all.

When you look at the covers of human magazines, beautiful girls predominate. How many magazines would put a photo of a boy who doesn’t want to comb on the front page? And which bites when brushing his teeth. And which is still dirty from digging holes in the garden.

Please explain to my he-human that if we want to set the world on fire with our blog, we especially need photos of a beautiful young dog lady. Like me, Chica de Tulear!