Take it or leave it

We dogs accept the world around us as it is. Whether it’s people, situations, or events. When I was in the puppy mill, I had no idea that there was another world. And I simply lived. With what was.

I noticed that you people have it differently. You often can’t accept things the way they are. You want them to be what you want to see.

There would be nothing wrong with that in itself. But you want to dictate to the world around you what it should look like even in areas over which you have no power. You often try to interfere in the lives of other people. And you have no right to do that.

I don’t want to get involved, but I think then you have to suffer a lot. Believe us, dogs: life needs or to be taken as is or left to lie down. I don’t want to get involved, but I think then you have to suffer a lot. Believe us dogs: life needs to be taken as is or left to lie down.


You humans are bizarre and very complicated creatures. I’ve noticed that you often talk about love, and just few of you know what love really is. You often limit the concept itself to partner love. And even in short, you have distorted ideas about that. Despite the fact that I observe your relationship between the partners, I would seldom call it love.

For us dogs, love is part of our instinctive equipment. For you, people, too. But you don´t care your instinctive equipment. In your rational conceit, you think that you know everything better than how nature has given it to you.

Love, as we dogs know it, is without exception unconditional. We are always ready to give the life for our young without problems. And we do not expect them to graduate in return and provide us with grandchildren with their heterosexual partner.

We dogs are encoded in genes that everything in this universe is interconnected. And that we can’t be happy if we don’t make others happy. And that’s why we love you people so much. You need it most of all the creatures we know.